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(Solved): WPC 300 : Practical Exam Summer 2021 insights...

Practical Exam

Quiz Instructions

Practical Exam Instructions (already distributed). You must read the instructions carefully before starting the practical exam.

This exam has a total of four sections. You are required to use four sets of data to answer all the questions. Please see the individual instructions for each section. The total time allowed for this exam is 100 minutes. You must complete the exam in one seating. You will need JMP Pro and Excel software to analyze data and answer questions. 

Note: This is an open book/note exam. You are expected to work individually to complete this exam before the due date. Remember the honor code.   



Note: this is a timed quiz. You may check the remaining time you have at any point while taking the quiz by pressing the keyboard combination SHIFT, ALT, and T... Again: SHIFT, ALT, and T...

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  • Use the following data file for this section
  • Remember the honor code.
  • This section is worth a total of 37.5 points. 
  • In addition to responding to multiple-choice questions, you need to submit an updated data file with your name appended to the front of the filename (e.g. firstname_lastname_filename). 
  • Create 2 new columns as follows:
    • The first new column shows the outcome when you calculate the total score for a school as a combination of 'critical reading mean' + 'mathematics mean' + 'writing mean'.
    • The second column will use a vlookup() function to segment the performance of a school according to the data outlined in the Table. Make sure you correctly implement this table on your excel file first before using them on a vlookup(). 

Total score













Question 118 pts

Create a pivot table on a new sheet to calculate how many schools were in each performance category. Show the outcome in both a table and a pie chart.

Screenshot of the 2 new columns (1 screenful is enough), pivot table output, and pie chart output (3 x 6 points).

Create a word document (that you will upload here) and paste those screenshot in sequence as follows:

1. Two-column output. 

2. Pivot Table output

3.  pie chart output



Question 2           6 pts

What is the average (with 0 decimal places) across all schools for the total score?

Group of answer choices

  • 1221
  • 1287
  • 1229
  • 1215

 Question 3          6 pts

Which performance category has the least number of schools?

Group of answer choices

  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B


Question 4           6 pts

How many schools were in the C category?

Group of answer choices

  • 116
  • 143
  • 150
  • 160


Question 5           6 pts

What is the average SAT score for performance category B (0 decimal places)?

Group of answer choices

  • 1268
  • 1271
  • 1256
  • 1282

Question 6           8 pts

Add your name to the Excel filename (as the first part of the filename) and submit the completed file that you used to answer the above questions.





  • Use the following data file for this section.
  • Remember the honor code.
  • This section is worth a total of 37.5 points.  Must use JMP Pro to complete the analysis and respond to the questions in this section. 
  • In addition to responding to multiple-choice questions, you need to submit an updated data file with your name appended to the front of the filename (e.g. firstname_lastname_filename). 
  • For this dataset, create a new column 'Total SAT Score' which is a combination of 'critical reading mean' + 'mathematics mean' + 'writing means'.


Question 7           6 pts

What is the 95% confidence interval for the population mean of the total SAT score? 

Group of answer choices

  • 1109.00 & 1259.25
  • 1197.37 & 1232. 38
  • 1747.42 & 1968.25
  • -1 & 1

 Question 8                    6 pts

It is generally believed that the mean value of the district's total  SAT score distribution is equal to 1200 (the null hypothesis). The principal from one of the schools claims that the mean value of the district's total  SAT score distribution is not 1200. Perform the appropriate test with a 5% margin of error. What is the corresponding p-value?

Group of answer choices

  • 0.0478
  • 0.9522
  • 0.0956
  • 0.0324


Question 9           6 pts

Take a screenshot of the results you obtained after performing the test with a 5% margin of error (as instructed in Q8). Make sure your name is visible in the screenshot. Upload the screenshot here.



Question 10        6 pts

Based on the test, what can we conclude about the district’s total SAT mean score?

Group of answer choices

  • We fail to reject the null hypothesis
  • We do not have enough information to make a judgement on the null hypothesis
  • We reject the null hypothesis
  • We accept the null hypothesis


Question 11        6 pts

If the null hypothesis for the district mean score is that the mean total SAT score is below 1220, what would you conclude from your statistical test (with an alpha level of 5%)? 

Group of answer choices

  • We accept the null hypothesis
  • We reject the null hypothesis
  • We do not have enough information to make a judgement on the null hypothesis
  • We fail to reject the null hypothesis


Question 12        6 pts

Which category of SAT test has the least average score across the schools in the sample data file. 

Group of answer choices

  • Critical reading
  • We do not have enough information to make a conclusion
  • Writing
  • Mathematics

Question 13        6 pts

What is the standard error (with 1 decimal place) across all schools for the total SAT score?

Group of answer choices

  • 1170.0
  • 1214.9
  • 174.9
  • 8.9


Question 14        8 pts

Add your name to the JMP filename (as the first part of the filename) and submit the completed file with the saved scripts that you used to answer Q11, Q12, & Q13




  • Use the following data file for this section:
  • Remember the honor code.
  • This section is worth a total of 37.5 points.  Must use JMP Pro to complete the analysis and respond to the questions in this section. 
  • In addition to responding to multiple-choice questions, you need to submit an updated data file with your name appended to the front of the filename (e.g. firstname_lastname_filename). 
  • For each action that you are asked to do, ensure that you save the script for that action.

Question: The local school district is wondering if there is a difference among the 3 categories of the SAT test, critical reading, writing & mathematics. In particular, if the mean scores of each category of SAT test are different. 


Question 15        6 pts

What kind of statistical test would you perform to answer this question?

Group of answer choices






Question 16        6 pts

Perform an appropriate analysis to answer the following question. 

What is the 95% confidence interval for the mean score (rounded up to the first decimal place)  in the writing category?

Group of answer choices

406.9 – 419.0

398.3 – 410.2

391.9 – 403.5

403.5 – 409.9


Question 17        6 pts

Based on the appropriate statistical test, do you believe that mean SAT scores are different for different categories of tests (with a 5% margin of error)? Which of the following statements is true?

Group of answer choices

  • You could not conclude anything
  • You reject the null hypothesis and confirm at least one of the means is different from the other
  • You reject the null hypothesis and confirm that the means are same
  • You could not reject the null hypothesis


Question 18        6 pts

Provide a screenshot of the box plots, and results from oneway ANOVA test.



Question 19        6 pts

Which value (from the one way ANOVA test) would you use to either reject or not reject a null hypothesis? 

Group of answer choices

  • Root Mean Square error in “Summary of Fit” table
  • Adjusted R^2 in “Summary of fit” table
  • p-value in the “Analysis of Variance” table
  • Mean square value in the “Analysis of Variance” table

Question 20        6 pts

Which of the following tables from a statistical analysis helps you learn if the mean SAT score of one category is significantly different from the other two categories?

Group of answer choices

  • Means for one-way ANOVA
  • Summary of fit
  • Connecting Letter Reports
  • Analysis of Variance

 Question 21       6 pts

Based on the interpretation of the analysis, identify which categories of mean SAT scores are significantly different. 

Group of answer choices

  • Mathematics is significantly different from Critical reading
  • Mathematics, Critical Reading and Writing are all significantly different from each other.
  • Writing is significantly different from Critical Reading
  • Mathematics is significantly different from Writing

 Question 22       8 pts

Add your name to the JMP filename (as the first part of the filename) and submit the completed file, including scripts for all of your actions in this section.





  • Use the following data file for this section
  • Remember the honor code.
  • This section is worth a total of 37.5 points.  Must use JMP Pro to complete the analysis and respond to the questions in this section. 
  • In addition to responding to multiple-choice questions, you need to submit an updated data file with your name appended to the front of the filename (e.g. firstname_lastname_filename). 
  • For each action that you are asked to do, ensure that you save the script for that action.

Question: The loan manager would like to construct a statistical model to understand which one or more of the provided variables influence the amount of the loan requested. This information would help the bank to target those types of customers to promote their products such as a line of credit offer.  


Question 23        6 pts

What kind of statistical test would you perform to answer this question?

Group of answer choices

  • Simple logistic regression
  • T-test
  • Multiple linear regression

Question 24        6 pts

What would be an example of a dependent and an independent variable respectively in this case?

Group of answer choices

  • ‘Applicant Income’ and ‘Loan Amount’
  • ‘Applicant Income’ and ‘Loan Status’
  • 'Loan Amount’ and ‘Applicant Income’
  • ‘Loan Status’ and ‘Credit history’

 Question 25       6 pts

Perform a multivariate correlation analysis using all the continuous variables in the data.

What is the correlation coefficient between ‘loan amount’ and ‘loan amount term’?

Group of answer choices

  • 0.039
  • -0.030
  • 0.17 0
  • 0.551

 Question 26       6 pts

Based on a standard least square regression analysis (assuming 5% margin of error) which of the following variables are significantly influencing the variable ‘Loan Amount’ in loan application process?

Group of answer choices

  • Education, Co-applicant income, and Applicant’s income
  • Credit history, Education and Property area
  • Credit history, Education and Loan Amount term
  • Education, Co-applicant income, and Loan Status


Question 27        6 pts

Based on your final regression model, which of the following variables have the least significant influence in predicting ‘Loan Amount’ in bank loan applications.

Group of answer choices

  • Co-applicant income
  • Loan Amount Term
  • Education
  • Married 

Question 28        6 pts

In your final regression model, what is the value for the coefficient of determination?

Group of answer choices

  • 47.10
  • 0.38
  • 0.66
  • 0.29


Question 29         6 pts

What is the regression equation for the final model? Get a screenshot of the full regression equation and upload it here.


Choose a File

 Question 30       8 pts

Add your name to the JMP filename (as the first part of the filename) and submit the completed file, including scripts for all of your actions in this section.

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