(Solved): Unit 8: Computer Systems Architecture | LWHT Training Package B, C $ D ...
Training Package B
You are required to create a training package suitable for technical personnel on the key features and services provided by different computer operating systems and hardware. Your training package should be well-structured, easy to follow and contain clear, technically accurate and appropriate detail. Specifically, it should include:
1. A technical evaluation report that:
Evaluates the structure and functions of an operating system, including memory, processor, devices, file, security, performance and error management with regards to functionality, operation and dependency.
Training Package C
You are required to create a training package suitable for non-technical personnel on network communication technology and the associated services to connect computer systems. Your training package should be well-structured, easy to follow and contain clear, technically accurate and appropriate detail.
Specifically, it should include:
- A Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation that:
Explain the relationships between hardware and network addresses including their use with regards to networking devices and components.
Training Package D
You are required to create a training package suitable for technical personnel on diagnostic and troubleshooting skills to solve hardware, software and networking related issues. Your training package should be well-structured, easy to follow and contain clear, technically accurate and appropriate detail. Specifically, it should include:
A technical report that:
- Conduct and document a range of maintenance activities with regards to computer hardware and software.
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