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(Solved): For this assignment you'll need to explore specific measure to harden Web browsers. You will also have an opportunity to revisit the virt...

Part 2:


For this assignment you'll need to explore specific measure to harden Web browsers. You will also have an opportunity to revisit the virtual lab environment to modify the TCP port number used for http traffic.


Use the Internet or the Capella University Library to research:

  • Hardening recommendations for your chosen Internet browser.
  • Uses for port 8080 in Windows Server 2016 IIS.

·  Explain why there are so few steps to securing a default installation of Internet Information Services (IIS) in Windows Server 2016 as compared with legacy systems.

·  Recommend three hardening measures to improve the security of your chosen Internet browser.

·  Return to the unit lab, "Securing Internet Client and Server Applications on Windows Systems," and do the following:

  • In IIS, change the default port number for the Default Web Page from 80 to 8080. Take a screenshot showing the change, and explain its implications. (I will complete the lab part)

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Web browsers are very useful, especially when using internet services. Many activities increase the vulnerability of these browsers, such as clicking suspicious websites, failure to update antiviruses, using old fashioned browsers, among many others. However, taking precautions while using these browsers can harden their security and reduce their exposure to various vulnerabilities. This article seeks to explain in detail some of the ways of hardening the security of Windows internet browsers and servers as a way of avoiding both internal and external attacks.

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