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(Solved): CISC 1003 Robotics Essay...

Q1. In your own words, why is Japan's workforce shrinking? One person stated that video games are more relevant to him than human interaction and sex. Why do you think that has happened?

Q2. Would you be comfortable checking into that crazy hotel that has no human staff? Why do you think one of the robots has the head of a dinosaur?

Q3. Let us contrast PARO, the robot pet versus a natural pet dog or cat. List at least two disadvantages of the biological pet. List at list one advantage of the biological pet. What do you think PARO's advantages and disadvantages are?

Q4. Would you date an emotionally aware and attractive humanoid? Could you picture a humanoid as the perfect spouse?

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Q1. In your own words, why is Japan's workforce shrinking? One person stated that video games are more relevant to him than human interaction and sex. Why do you think that has happened?

Japan is one of the countries which has a high density of robots. Robots have so many advantages, which makes them have a tremendous impact on the economy. They are capable of doing what other people are incapable of doing or what they are too lazy to do. According to me, the most qualified professionals get discouraged because their field of expertise gets overtaken by machines that are as efficient as them, if not more than them. Technological advancements that have led to the widespread use of artificial intelligence are also another factor that has played a significant role in reducing Japan's workforce. The algorithms used produces robots that are capable of learning on their own. This advancement of technology discourages people from working. The other reason is the unwillingness of young people to have children. The reason why some people prefer video games to human interaction and sex is because of how exciting technology has become in creating more interactive simulations and games just like human beings interact ("CBC News," 2018).


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