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CIS 300 Quiz Week 2

CIS 300 : Web Design and Development

Quiz | Week 

Score for this quiz 100 out of 100

Question 1
4 / 4 pts
Use the _______ property along with the left, right and/or top property to precisely configure the position of an element.

  •   position: float; 
  •   absolute: position; 
  •   position: relative; 
  •   position: absolute; 

Question 2
4 / 4 pts
_______ will cause an object not to display.

  •   display: 0px; 
  •   display: none; 
  •   display: fixed; 
  •   display: block; 

Question 3
4 / 4 pts
_______ flow displays the elements on the page in the order they appear in the web page source code.

  •   default 
  •   browser 
  •   normal 
  •   source code 

Question 4
4 / 4 pts
Use _______ positioning to configure the location of an element to remain the same and to not move even when the web page is scrolled within the browser viewport.

  •   relative 
  •   absolute 
  •   static 
  •   fixed 

Question 5
4 / 4 pts
Use the _______ or _______ property to clear a float.

  •   overflow or float 
  •   float or clear 
  •   position or clear 
  •   clear or overflow 

Question 6
4 / 4 pts
What is the term used to describe image file that contains multiple small graphics?

  •   sprite 
  •   viewport 
  •   image link 
  •   thumbnail image 

Question 7
4 / 4 pts
Use _______ positioning to slightly change the location of an element in relation to where it would otherwise appear when rendered by a browser.

  •   absolute 
  •   fixed 
  •   static 
  •   relative 

Question 8
4 / 4 pts
Which value for the display property is useful when configuring horizontal navigation within an unordered list?

  •   block 
  •   fixed 
  •   inline 
  •   none 

Question 9
4 / 4 pts
The _______ pseudo-class configures the styles that will apply when the mouse is placed over a hyperlink.

  •   :click 
  •   :hover 
  •   :over 
  •   :active 

Question 10
4 / 4 pts
Select the example below that could be used to clear a right float.

  •   clear: right; 
  •   clear: left; 
  •   right: clear; 
  •   overflow: right; 

Question 11
4 / 4 pts
If an element is configured with _______ the other content on the page will appear to its left.

  •   float: right; 
  •   position: relative; 
  •   position: left; 
  •   float :left; 

Question 12
4 / 4 pts
Choose the example below of a descendant selector that configures the anchor tags within the element assigned to the content id.

  •   a#content 
  •   #content a 
  •   content#a 
  •   .content a 

Question 13
4 / 4 pts
The ______ meta tag configures scale and dimension on mobile web page display.

  •   viewport 
  •   flexible 
  •   fragment identifier 
  •   media query 

Question 14
4 / 4 pts
Use the ______ value for the CSS display property to configure an element to not display.

  •   0 
  •   hide 
  •   block 
  •   none 


Question 15

4 / 4 pts
The purpose of the ______ element is to provide a method for a browser to display different images depending on specific criteria indicated by the web developer.

  •   sizes 
  •   target 
  •   media 
  •   picture 

Question 16
4 / 4 pts
When using flexbox layout, setting justify-content: space-between; will configure the following:

  •   Flex items are centered with equal empty space between. 
  •   Flex items begin at main start with no space between them. 
  •   Flex items are evenly distributed in the flex container with space before the first flex item and after the last flex item. 
  •   Flex items begin at main start and end at main end with equal empty space between flex items. 

Question 17
4 / 4 pts
When using grid layout, grid ______ delineate grid rows and grid columns.

  •   cells 
  •   orders 
  •   lines 
  •   gaps 

Question 18
4 / 4 pts
CSS Grid Layout is intended for:

  •   changing the stacking order of elements 
  •   floating layouts 
  •   flexible one-dimensional layouts 
  •   two-dimensional layouts 

Question 19
4 / 4 pts
The ______ property configures a grid container.

  •   grid 
  •   order 
  •   flex 
  •   container 

Question 20
4 / 4 pts
The purpose of the imagd element’s ______ attribute is to provide a method for a browser to display different images depending on specific criteria indicated by the web developer.

  •   sizes 
  •   picture 
  •   media 
  •   srcset 

Question 21
4 / 4 pts
When configuring a grid layout, the flex factor unit

  •   directs the browser to not display the item 
  •   directs the browser to allocate a fractional part of the remaining space. 
  •   directs the browser to configure a flex item 
  •   directs the browser to configure a flex container 

Question 22
4 / 4 pts
Components of responsive web design include:

  •   flexible images, media queries, valid syntax 
  •   fluid layout, valid syntax, embedded CSS 
  •   valid syntax, embedded CSS, media queries 
  •   fluid layout, flexible images, media queries 

Question 23
4 / 4 pts
When using flexbox layout, the flex property

  •   configures the space between flex items 
  •   configures a flex container 
  •   configures the direction of the flow 
  •   configures the amount of space a flex item takes up and how much it will shrink or grow 

Question 24
4 / 4 pts
Use the ______ property to configure a flex container.

  •   display 
  •   container 
  •   flex 
  •   order 

Question 25
4 / 4 pts
Use the expression ______ in a media query to target devices with screens up to 480 pixels in width.

  •   (max-width: 480px) 
  •   (size: 480px;) 
  •   (min-width: 480px;) 
  •   (width: 480px) 

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100

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