(Solved): CIS 105 : Human Firewall tutorial and quiz (allow 1 hour & only 1 attempt)...
Human Firewall
Date / Time : March 4, 2020 6:13 pm
Student Score : 100
Passing Score : 80
Result : Pass
1. What are the three security domains?
- Availability
- People
- Physical
- Integrity
- Confidentiality
- Cyber
2. Which of these things is part of the CYBER domain? (Select 4.)
- Phishing emails
- Malicious links
- Clean Desk
- The Insider
- Badges
- Strong passwords
- Lost Thumb Drives
- webmail policies
3. What are some non-technical, physical steps you can take to being a great human firewall? (Select 4.)
- Putting any USB drive you find in your computer
- Forgetting stacks of files in public places
- Strong passwords
- Locking your computer when you leave your desk
- Keeping your desk clean and organized
- Following badge policy
- Leaving your badge at home
4. The average cost of an attack originating from INSIDE an organization is more than that of an outside hack.
- True
- False
5. A true human firewall has many responsibilities, including:
- Learning all about technical controls and becoming very savvy
- Forgetting company policy
- Letting other people worry about the security of our organization
- occasionally looking into new threats when you have time or think to do it
- Maintaining constant vigilance and staying aware of threats to our organization
6. What are three key ingredients for an excellent human firewall?
- Nerdiness
- Strong Understanging of how the internet works
- Technical Skills
- Situational security awareness
- Common Sense
- Street Smarts
- Many Year of Exprience
- Bossiness
7. What are the two most common causes of data loss?
- Failure to follow policy
- Street Smarts
- Shyness
- Human error
- Lack of technical skils
- Ignorance
8. If you have reason to suspect that someone inside the company is acting against our best interests, it is your job to report it immediately.
- True
- False
9. There’s no shame in admitting you don’t know something or need clarification. A great human firewall knows when to _________.
- Ask for help
- Unplug the computer and wait for the system admin
- Panic
- Tattle on his/her co-workers
- Research something online
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