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(Solved): BIT352 | Distributed Information Management | Dr. Muhammad khan | Due date: 19/08/2020...

BIT352  Distributed Information Management  | Lecturer: Dr. Muhammad khan | Due date: 19/08/2020

BIT352 Distributed Information Management

Learning Outcomes being assessed:
LO3: Analyze the different approaches of naming and synchronization for building distributed systems.
LO4: Critically reflect on the management issues and technical implications for consistency and fault tolerance.

Handing in format instructions:

  • Provide the suitable formatting of the project document in a Word file
  • Submit your project as a PDF file in the Blackboard.

Similarity and Plagiarism policy

  • Maximum permissible limit of similarity is 30 percent. Submissions exceeding 30 percent are subject to disciplinary actions described in Students Anti-Plagiarism Guidelines.
  • The punishment to academic plagiarism may take the following forms according to level of the academic breach:
    • First Offense: Reduction of the mark of the concerned course work component by 25%.
    • After First Offense: Zero score in the concerned course work component. The case is also referred to the Department Council.


  • See Students Anti-Plagiarism Guidelines:



The student will be penalized with a 20% of total mark for each late day after the submission deadline.



BIT352 BIT352


Assignment Guidelines
Write a research article based on literature review on distributed information system with the help of following questions:

Task 1:                                                                                                       [2x10 = 20 marks]
a) Analyze the different approaches of naming used for building distributed information system.
b) Elaborate the two synchronization modes for building distributed systems.

Task 2:                                                                                                     [4x5 = 20 marks]
a) Write down the critical review of the management issues in terms of consistency.
b) Write down the critical review of the management issues in terms of fault tolerance.
c) Write down the critical review of the technical implications in terms of consistency in the
development process of the distributed information system.
d) Write down the critical review of the technical implications in terms of fault tolerance in the development process of distribution information system.

E-books and online resources

- Brendan Burns, (2019), Designing Distributed Systems, O’Reilly
- http://www.opengroup.org/

Paper books (Library)
- M. V. Steen, A. S. Tanenbaum, Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, 3rd edition
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017, ISBN-10: 1543057381,
ISBN-13: 978-1543057386.



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