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(Solved): 7.)Is Our Array-based Implementation Of Merge-sort Given In Section 12.2.2 Stable? Explain Why Or Wh...

7.)Is our array-based implementation of merge-sort given in Section 12.2.2

stable? Explain why or why not


1 def merge(S1, S2, S):

2 ”””Merge two sorted Python lists S1 and S2 into properly sized list S.”””

3 i = j = 0

4 while i + j < len(S):

5 if j == len(S2) or (i < len(S1) and S1[i] < S2[j]):

6 S[i+j] = S1[i] # copy ith element of S1 as next item of S

7 i += 1

8 else:

9 S[i+j] = S2[j] # copy jth element of S2 as next item of S

10 j += 1

Code Fragment 12.1: An implementation of the merge operation for Python’s arraybased

list class.

1 def merge sort(S):

2 ”””Sort the elements of Python list S using the merge-sort algorithm.”””

3 n = len(S)

4 if n < 2:

5 return # list is already sorted

6 # divide

7 mid = n // 2

8 S1 = S[0:mid] # copy of first half

9 S2 = S[mid:n] # copy of second half

10 # conquer (with recursion)

11 merge sort(S1) # sort copy of first half

12 merge sort(S2) # sort copy of second half

13 # merge results

14 merge(S1, S2, S) # merge sorted halves back into S

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--> Main operation here is Merge() : 1 def merge(S1, S2, S): 2 Merge two sorted Python lists S1 and S2 into properly sized list S. 3 i = j = 0 4 while i +
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