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Home / Answered Questions / BIO100 / 16-in-the-sickle-cell-activity-what-happened-to-the-allele-frequencies-the-percentage-of-surviving-alleles-that-were-hba-and-the-percentage-q-174

(Solved): ~~16. In the sickle cell activity, what happened to the allele frequencies (the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbA and the percentage ...

~~16. In the sickle cell activity, what happened to the allele frequencies (the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbA and the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbS) over the course of the experiment? Why did this happen? (5 points)

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~~1.               In the sickle cell activity, what happened to the allele frequencies (the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbA and the percentage of surviving alleles that were HbS) over the course of the experiment? Why did this happen? (5 points)


The percentage of surviving HbS alleles reduces while the surviving HbA alleles increases. 

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