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Home / Answered Questions / Other / 5-trace-through-the-following-recursive-function-on-the-following-input-instance-c-1-6-2-4-3-4-5-6-c-aw796

(Solved): 5. Trace Through The Following Recursive Function On The Following Input Instance: C[1...6]={2, 4, 3...

5. Trace through the following recursive function on the following input instance: c[1...6]={2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6} CheckDuplicate

5. Trace through the following recursive function on the following input instance: c[1...6]={2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6} CheckDuplicate (c[1...n]) if n==1 return false res = CheckDuplicate (c[1...n-1]) llare there duplicates in sublist c[1...n-1] if res==true return true else // no duplicate in c[1...n-1] // does c[n] duplicate with some value in c[1...n-1)? for i=1 to n-1 if (c[i] == c[n]) return true //find duplicate return false

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The trace of the following recursive function when the given input is tested : To understand this, we must follow the steps of the algorithm and perform it on the example: array
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